This Zoli Cup has become one of my favorite cups, and I tried A LOT of sippy cups and a LOT of straw cups.
I start early with cup skills and really try to use regular open cups during meal times as much as I can. I (try to) only use sippy cups or straw cups between meal times, during car rides, and for taking water into the crib at night.
If choosing between a straw cup and a sippy cup, from a speech/oral-motor perspective, straw cups. (Sippy cups are not a developmental milestone AT ALL, just a convenient and often spill-proof choice for parents.) Therefore, I try to use straw cups instead of sippy cups when possible. I place emphasis on the word “try” …. because I do use sippy cups as well. (I’ll leave that to a separate blog post though because after trying almost every sippy cup on the market, I end up favoring the cheapest/simplest choice).
Anyway – as straw cups go, I like this one especially because: 1) the weighted straw allows kids to drink even if they aren’t holding the cup completely upright, and 2) my kids can’t take the straw out!!!!! Check it out today — The Zoli Cup comes in 2 size options the 6 OZ version and the 9 OZ version.
**Note – I recommend this cup for water only. Though I did get this great OXO contraption to help clean sippy cup parts, I still find anything with hard-to-reach insides is best used with water only.**