As soon as the pediatrician gave our baby the go-ahead to start eating solids, we started our search for the perfect high chair. The more …
Boon: Flair Review

As soon as the pediatrician gave our baby the go-ahead to start eating solids, we started our search for the perfect high chair. The more …
What’s your favorite place for a newborn to sleep? I’ve tried several different options, and so far the The Arms Reach Mini Arc Co-Sleeper Bassinet is my …
Do you use white noise machines in your house? I received our first Marpac White Noise Machine as a gift, and have since purchased one …
Thanks, KOAB, for keeping us up to date on this Cozy Coupe sale at Amazon. You can get it for $38 today, shipped. It’s normally …
Thank you again to KOAB for the heads-up that you can get a season of Learn Along With Sesame for FREE! Once downloaded, the season …
This is another item on that list of “things-I-thought-were-unnecessary-and-later-learned-were-amazing”. With two young kids at home, and lots of diapers, I have come to love this …
Thank you to KOAB (via Swaggrabber) for the heads-up that you can get a season of Sesame Street From Around the World is FREE today on …
A great addition to the playroom! This soft, foamy floor mat is great for a playroom with young kids, especially for rooms with hardwood floors. …
If you’re a swaddling mommy or mommy-to-be, these Aden + Anais Swaddles are a must-have. I avoided buying these with my first baby because “Why …
Kim West, The Sleep Lady, writes what might be the best sleep book out there. There is no perfect sleep book, and no magical solution …